Нийтэлсэн: магистр П.Ганцэцэг


This page explains how to write a British-style CV (curriculum vitae, or resume, or personal history) and covering letter, used when applying for jobs.


Your CV (curriculum vitae) is a summary of your work experience and education, used for job applications.
A resume (properly written as resumй) is an American English term for a CV.
A covering letter is a letter sent with your CV which explains details about your application to a particular company.
A reference is a formal letter to an employer, from somebody who knows you well, describing your ...

CV-ний загвар

Нийтэлсэн: магистр П.Ганцэцэг



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Personal Statement/Career Aim


Personal Statement/Career Aim – this is optional, but if you do include it, don’t waste space by writing anything generic. Keep it brief (three or four lines max). Tailor this section to the rol...

ажилд ороход асуудаг асуултууд

Нийтэлсэн: магистр П.Ганцэцэг

Interview questions

1.Tell me about yourself. How would you describe yourself /character/ personality? My name is.

2. What are your greatest strengths (weaknesses)?

3. Where do you see yourself five years from now? How do you feel about your future in the profession?

4. Looking back what would you do differently in your life?


5. What extra-curricular activities were you involved in?

6. What have you learned from participation in extra-curricular-activities?

7. Describe your ideal company position and job. How do you think you can develop the organization?

9. What makes a...