бестселлер номын жагсаалт / дэлхийд 2011, 3 сар /

Нийтэлсэн: магистр П.Ганцэцэг

Top 10 Best Selling Books March 2011

Protector by Laurel Dewey


Amazon Price: $25.73
List Price: $25.99

#1 Protector by Laurel Dewey

This is a fast-paced thriller in which alcoholic homicide detective Jane Perry finds herself becoming the only person young Emily Lawrence will speak to after her parents are brutally murdered. Jane takes on the role of protector to the young girl, hence the name of the book. Action-packed yet sensitive, Laurel Dewey skilfully draws the reader in. The book is invariably described as 'un-put-downable'.

If, however, you are of a sens...